
Level 3
An error was made by TPG in the order confirmation email. My credit card address in Qld was wrongly used as the installation and delivery address instead of my actual Sydney address. TPG assures me the modem will be sent to the correct address BUT the email and text advising that the modem has been sent doesn't mention any address. My TPG account also shows no address on the dashboard. So it's impossible to know where the modem is going. Fingers crossed that it turns up in Sydney but, TPG, please put the address on your correspondence in future to reduce stress. I still think the modem might go to Qld and be lost...

Hi @mhutchz1


We've checked the status of the modem/router order and it will be shipped to the correct address.


Expect to receive the parcel within 1 to 2 working days within Metro and 2 to 5 working days outside Metro areas.


You may track the parcel using the consignment number provided via SMS and Email.


Thank you.