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FTTB with Archer VR1600v as modem and Netgear nighthawk R7000 as Router help?

Level 2



this might've been covered off before but i'm getting confused.

So far i have a Archer VR1600v v2 as modem and router, i want to make this modem only and my netgear R7000 as my router.

so far i'm reading instruction is delete the two internet conenction in the DSL profile in the archer setup page?

Connect the lan from port 4 on the TPlink to wan on the netgear?

Is that it? Does the netgear need to do anything?

TP link.PNG

Sorry, i'm just so confused at the moment.



Level 15

Hi @Phynicle . To put VR1600 in bridge mode:

Basically, delete the VLAN 2 connection and add a new VLAN 2 connection in Bridge mode.

The Netgear will be in standard mode with PPPoE, username and password (no IPTV/VLAN stuff). Connect Netgear WAN port to VR1600 LAN port.

Level 2
Thanks I'll give that a go tonight when I'm home