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Level 2

I have ported to TPG mobile number 2 weeks back, after receiving my TPG sim and activation I can neither receive nor call someone. I have been chasing TPG through my partner phone to resolve this matter and patiently waited for a whole week. Now the things have just gone over the head and TPG customer service doesn't even know how to respond to these issues. For the past 2 weeks, I have been calling TPG to get the update and tired of getting the same standard and troubleshooting which does not help in any way. 


Under the TPG Mobile Standards Terms and Conditions in the clause 14, it is clearly mentioned that as a customer I am entitled "to the Customer Service Guarantee issued by the ACMA, which established minimum connection and fault repair times, breach of which entitles you to certain specified amounts of damage" and as per Australian Communications and Media Authority guidelines TPG has clearly failed to resolve this matter in a timely manner and TPG is at fault and liable to compensate for all the inconvenience. 


I have attached the clause photo of terms and conditions just for your reference.




Not applicable

Hi @Zahra1681 , we apologsie for the inconvenience this has caused you and we'd like to help get to the bottom of this.


Please send us a private message with your TPG customer ID, Mobile Service Number (MSN) and complete address. To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community