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Speed slowed down

Level 2

Hi, I recently got connected to the NBN on FTTN and was enjoying speeds at about 90 Mbs however after 3 days this slowed down to around 50 Mbs. Is this normal?


Hi @chriscalleja


Welcome to TPG Community!


I've located your account using your Community details and can see that we provide you with a Fibre to the node (FTTN) network.


One main factor that can cause the connection speed of TPG’s NBN service to vary considerably can be the NBN’s choice of technology in your area.


We do not have control over the speed your modem is getting as it is governed by the distance from the exchange and line quality since the technology that is used for Fibre to the Node is VDSL type.




We'd like to have a better understanding of your speed situation, may we know if you've conducted troubleshooting to improve the connectivity of your speed?


We have a Community article that can help you to  troubleshoot when you experience slow Internet connection.


Let us know how it goes. 






Level 2

I have carried out the tests as described and am still achieving the same speed. I have attached a copy of my speed tests from the date of installation so you can better understand the drop in speed from the moring of the 24/11/19.  As I have a very large family of internet consumers the current speed of around 60Mbps is insuffiicient. If this is due to having an fttn connection and my distance from the node then can I purchase a second connection as a subsequent install.


Hi @chriscalleja,


We've reviewed the case that you've provided .


We've tested the line and have seen that you are about 1Km away from the nearest node in your area in which greatly affected the sync speed that your modem can get through the line.


However, we'd like to look into it further if there's any chance to improve this. I'll arrange a call from our Tech team to run further tests with your help.


Please shoot me a private message with your preferred time and best number to be contacted.


How to send a PM? Click How do I private message (PM) in the community.

