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Cancel my Account

Level 2

I was trying to get a moving home, but you have been impossible to contact. Everytime I was able to get through to someone, they would say "they have to pass me onto a specialist", but you would disconnect me. I now want my account cancelled. Because you never seem to reply when I leave my details, can you do this by email? Because I haven't used this service in months, can you do it before the next billing cycle? My account number is 6206468. 

Level 2

You have billed me agian! And for the first time you have sent me a reciept! What is this BS?

I am going to the ombusman because of your incompetence!

Level 2

Why is it impossible to delete your service?


You are an internet provider, but make all communication by phone.


This is ridiculous!


Give me my money back!

Level 2

Contact me.


Cancel my accont.

Level 2

Give me my money back!