How to cancel our NBN

Level 2

We have been with TPG for 5+ years and have no lock in plan.

We are moving house next week and do not require TPG internet anymore, so we rang them on the 18th of march and asked to disconnect, they said they will be intouch in 24-48 hrs well that went by and havnt heard from them, so we decided to try the online support, this was a waste of time with operators just leaving us hanging and giving me incorrect info.After 4 different conversations we finally got the address and have emailed it but who knows how long we have to wait.

All we want to do is disconnect on a certain date, how hard is that?!!!

This system is so poor and screams of desperation of trying to nickle and dime customers.

If you want people to recommend your company you need to fix this.



Level 2
Update: I got private messaged from tpg asking for my details, i replied and recieved this message.

"TPG Community
Private Messages
Ahra_GModerator Ahra_G Moderator
‎22-03-2020 06:45 PM

Re: Details for cancelation
Thanks for providing further details. I passed the information along to our Accounts Team and requested to contact you tomorrow, 23 March between 10AM-11AM VIC"

Well Its now 1130am and i have not heard a thing.
So what now tpg? Do i report you?
How can i stop you from taking my money for a service im not using?
I dont trust anything you tell me and this is lack of of customer service is appalling.
Tell me what do i do?