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I've been trying to change account ownership for my number, which I recently discovered lists a relative as the primary account holder (obviously also a TPG mistake by the way - they combined two of our names so the person they have in their records doesn't technically exist)
I've completed the Change of Ownership form and emailed photo proof of IDs to (the email contact listed on the form) and TPG still can't tell me what's going on.
The latest update is that they've "endorsed it to the relevant team". What does this mean - I thought the email contact on the form WAS the relevant team? Why are you all so incompetent? Why doesn't anyone know what their role is? Do you understand what customer service is?
And now I have arrived at this forum, where it looks like many others have also been given the runaround, with the same terrible processes and customer service going back for years
Welcome to TPG community @mghi852
We'd love to help get your concerns resolved as quickly as possible. Shoot me a private message with your TPG customer ID or username together with your mobile and we'll chase the request regarding the transfer of ownership.
How do I private message (PM) in the community
I've sent you a PM requesting that you cancel the mobile account. Given TPG's incompetence I no longer wish to use your services
Please ensure there are no porting out (3 x $11) nor exit fees associated with this, as other customers have faced. This will only prolong this ordeal.
Please send email confirmation once complete
@mghi852 wrote:I've been trying to change account ownership for my number, which I recently discovered lists a relative as the primary account holder (obviously also a TPG mistake by the way - they combined two of our names so the person they have in their records doesn't technically exist)
I've completed the Change of Ownership form and emailed photo proof of IDs to (the email contact listed on the form) and TPG still can't tell me what's going on.
The latest update is that they've "endorsed it to the relevant team". What does this mean - I thought the email contact on the form WAS the relevant team? Why are you all so incompetent? Why doesn't anyone know what their role is? Do you understand what customer service is?
And now I have arrived at this forum, where it looks like many others have also been given the runaround, with the same terrible processes and customer service going back for years
Welcome to the Community! Have yourself and the new account holder fill in and sign the Change of Ownership form at and email back to us at This process would normally take 2-3 working days to be completed