cancel account

Level 2

Please send me email to cancel my account. I have been caused a great deal of stress by the whole activation process after having 6 appointments cancelled and now it will be total of six weeks before a technician will arrive (maybe) on the 19/03/20 since i opened my account on 10/02. This whole process has caused my mental health to suffer. Please make this process as easy for me as possible.

Level 2

So over 12 hours later and no response. TPG are a joke.

Please send me information via email to cancel my account. I dont want your service.

Not applicable

Hi @clarkrobert46,


Whilst we successfully install thousands of NBN services each week, we apologise that this was not your experience and we're sorry to know that you're considering cancelling the service.


We work with our wholesale partner, NBN Co. to provide this type of service and we are reliant with their scheduling. We are yet to receive an update from NBN Co. regarding why the appointments were missed.


Nonetheless, we have managed to reschedule the appointment from Thursday, 19 March 2020, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM to Tuesday, 17 March 2020, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM.


We believe this has been discussed by the case manager over the phone.


For new services, we recommend customers to check first if their service has been installed and activated.


We have created this community article, which contains a video on How to track your TPG service installation


We also send an email notification once the service is activated.


If you have received this email and the service is still not working, we recommend to check if the equipment is properly set up and we have created setup guides for all technologies that TPG use : New Connection Setup Help


Let us know if we can be of further assistance.