email alias transfer

Level 2

Lots of people are asking what's happening with email aliases, but I've yet to see an answer from TPG.

These email aliases are very important as they are used to create the Username for all sorts of online accounts - eg, with your airline, bank, facebook, doctor, MyGov, Medicare, Netflix etc etc. The list goes on and on.

Do we transfer only our "home" email and the aliases will follow automatically, or do we have to transfer each one separately? Can we even transfer an email alias?  If we transfer a "home" email and two aliases, will we end up having to pay for three accounts with the new provider?

So many questions and so few answers. Very disappointing that this wasn't thought through properly before the change was announced. Please lets have the answers now.

Level 3

Yeap @gary2010 Have even sent PM's asking the same thing, but no reply.

Level 2

I would also like an answer to this question. I use only an alias address and I'm wondering what will happen to it

Not applicable


When you transfer your TPG main email, any email aliases will transfer too. If you have a slave email which has its own inbox, you will need to register it separately.

