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unusual charge

Level 2
Level 2

my account has been debited $10,20

i am told this is a home phone pre-payment outside included value phone no.

hqt does this mean ?

Not applicable

Hi @gme,


The Home Phone Prepayment Outside Included Value is a pre-payment kept on the account for charges outside or in excess of your plan's included value. If your POIV (Prepayment Outside Included Value) goes below $10, we will automatically top up an amount to make it $20 again. 


The initial $20 pre payment is necessary as the Internet and home phone Line rental bundle we are offering you today is sold as Pre-paid. As the line we are connecting will be capable of being used as a standard home phone service, the pre-payment will act as a reserve for any calls made that are not included in your bundle selection. If you choose not to make calls, then this payment will remain intact with no further payment made towards your monthly service charges.


We've configured the system to notify you (or other customers on the same plan) that once the Home Phone Prepayment Outside Included Value has dropped below $10, we will automatically debit the account to restore the required balance of $20.00.


Hope this video helps: TPG $20 Prepayment Outside Included Value


We have also created an article that will may help you in Using TPG My Account & Online Account Info