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When I attempt to send an email (All emails) using tpg I get the following error message:
Task - Sending' reported error (0x800CCC78) : 'Cannot send the message. Verify the email address in your account properties. The server responded: 535 5.7.8 [TPG-A02] Authentication denied. User *********** is banned from using SMTP AUTH due to previous abuse'
I am an old man, I have never sent SPAM, bulk emails or offensive emails - Otec
Hi @otec
Welcome to TPG community!
If TPG e-mail servers detected some virus or malware on the e-mails that you are sending
or TPG e-mail server has detected that your account is sending message to a large number of recipients, you may get this issue.
You can follow the simple steps below to fix this issue:
1. Change you TPG account password online:
2. After changing the password Wait for 15-30 minutes before testing the mail.
Hope this will fix your issue,
I too am having this problem after sending a group email. I have the info in various posts about this and changed my password yesterday but still the problem persists.
How can I get this rectified ASAP and how can I prevent this happening again as I need to send group emails as part of my work?
Hi @FMV, please send us a private message with the email address you're having issue with. To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community