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Extremely slow ADSL connection and continues dropouts for a few weeks

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Level 3
Issue was reported on 01/11/2017 and was told it had to be treated as if new installation. Telstra technician came in on 16/11/2017 and yet issue of extremely slow Internet connection (0.01MB/s) and continuous dropouts (on average every 5 minites) have been experienced. Called TPG for a number of times, sent SMS and emails, and was just congratulated my ADSL connection was completed! What a joke!

I am very sorry the issue has not been resolved and apart from dealing with TPG, I also have to manage the complaints from my family members. Everyone in the family gets extremely frustrated and upset.

Please, can TPG do something about it? Clearly it's an issue in TPG end as at the time when I called TPG, the Internet did seem to get a bit better for possibly 20 minutes or so but then went back to square one.

I was told an engineer would call within one hour this evening and I am still waiting ....

Accepted Solutions
Level 3
This is my final update. I have cancelled my TPG service and received email confirmation. I am grateful that TPG has provided refund and waved exit fee.

Been a happy customer with TPG for more than 6 years, now it's time to say goodbye.

I am thankful to the technicians who tried their best and also to any people in TPG who tried to help over the phone. I acknowledge that in the end I lost my temper and I apologize here.

Perhaps when NBN becomes available and when I finish my contract with new ISP, I might come back with TPG again.

Bye for now!!

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Level 2

You don't happen to live near postcode 3072, do you? Because your issues with ADSL are exactly like mine.

Level 2

I called TPG to complain and was told the issue was on my end, but my internet suddenly became fast and reliable the moment i checked after the call. It remained fine for the rest of the day, but was back to crap the next morning.

Level 3
Hi andrial, my postcode is 2151. Yes I experienced the same. TPG told me it was the problem within my house hence arranges the "installation" for me.

The problem is: each time after calling them, the Internet speed improved for around 20 minutes or so and then became slower than dial-up.

Sending them SMS or emails seem to be useless as you would never get any responses. The only way is to call them but then it's all those broken promises. I didn't get any callbacks so I'll have to call them again today to find out what's going on.

Seriously I started thinking it's probably now time for me to move on. Finding another ISP might be the solution.... After Ihave been with TPG for more than 6 years.
Not applicable

Hi @Tinajim,

Thanks for raising this to us.


We'd like to arrange one of our Technicians to call you today. Please PM me your best contact number and preferred time today.



Level 3
Hi Shane,

Thank you for your kind response. I've PM you my contact details with available time.
Not applicable

Hi @Tinajim,


Thanks for sending me your details. I have arrange one of our Technicians to contact you later today.


We'll keep an eye on this. Let us know how it will go.


Cheers! Smiley WinkSmiley Very Happy

Level 3
Got the call from TPG technician but unfortunately issue remains unresolved. The ADSL Internet connection is too slow to be used. Even opening TPG web site could take minutes and timed out. So I have to use my mobile data for entering this update.

Was told issue would be escalated and I'll keep this updated until issue is resolved.
Level 3
Soooooo weird!!! I got another call from TPG technician who advised the physical phone line is clear but some noises through the line is causing Internet speed issue as well as drops. TPG has done everything they could and don't know what caused the noise. I had no choice but to cancel my TPG home phone+ADSL service and go and find another ISP.

Now this is the weird part: after I asked for cancellation and started searching for another ISP online, the Internet speed somehow improved dramatically (from previous 0.01MB/s to around 2MB/s).

I called TPG again wondering if any further work has been done from their end and no, no further work was done after my last talk to the technician.

I've now requested to put my cancellation request on hold for two more days to see if the Internet connection could become stable. Keep in mind I've got tow more dropouts so far but somehow when it's reconnected, the speed was OK.

I wish I could survive until the day NBN becomes available. I've been with TPG for long and the previous support service experience wasn't bad at all, except for this time. I don't mean the technicians weren't helping. I believe they've done their best. I am just disappointed the issue couldn't be resolved and I have no other options left....

Fingers crossed magic happens! Whatever the cause of the noise disappears and doesn't come back...

Level 3

Unfortunately magic doesn't exist in the world. My home internet connection started having the same issue (extremely slow speed and continuous dropouts) since around 10:45pm last night.


Called TPG this morning requesting to proceed with my cancellation request that was put on hold last night and was asked to give it one more try. Given I am at work, I'll have to call them again once I get home this afternoon. If it's still not working properly (which I believe it would be the case), then I'll have no options left but to move onto another ISP.


Am considering abandoning my home phone line completely and go with Wireless broadband while waiting for NBN to become available in my area....