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Internet Not Internetting

Level 3
Our internet has been having intermittent dropouts (confirmed by phone call to support yesterday). Issue was to be escalated to engineers. Have had no further communication/information from TPG and now the internet is completely non-working.

We do have a reference number - not sure if I should post that here or not. But…we work from home and this is very much a recurring issue.

Happy to provide further info so that we can get an update of some sort.

Level 3
Still no response from the “escalation” that was submitted yesterday. Internet is doornail dead.

Customer service (when you can eventually get through) are so very nice and lovely — but nice and lovely doesn’t help our connectivity issues.

It looks like our time is coming to an end…after 16 years :/
Level 3
I will preface this by saying that we had ZERO issues with TPG prior to the NBN coming in. Since then, we’ve had nothing but trouble.

And we’re always told that it’s “an issue with NBN” - it’s never an issue with the actual service provided by TPG.

After having NO communication from anyone at TPG over this last issue, I’d had enough. I found another company - I signed up - and in under an hour I had received notification that they’d taken over the NBN service and we could change our router settings.

Less than TEN minutes later…I was happily connected to the internet. No issues, not the slightest hassle.

Obviously an NBN issue….not at all an issue with TPG.