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Internet not working - waiting on a CALLBACK from technician

Level 2

Hi - Sorry missed a TPG technician call this morning 9 am - 10 am Apologies.!
Internet not working - reset NBN box = still not working.

Now the nbn box has 2 solid green lights on BUT and the upstream green light is blinking.                  

I believe this means the problem is outside my property?


Please contact me via an online chat - thanks!  Or can technician call me now??



We responded to your initial post located here and still awaiting response from you. Send us your details to better understand the situation.




Hi - Sorry missed a TPG technician call this morning 9 am - 10 am Apologies.!
Internet not working - reset NBN box = still not working.

Now the nbn box has 2 solid green lights on BUT and the upstream green light is blinking.                  

I believe this means the problem is outside my property?


Please contact me via an online chat - thanks!  Or can technician call me now??