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Maximum email size is too small

Level 3

Why is the maximum email size I can send only approximately 28 megabytes?

Is this still 1990? I could understand if we still used 28KB modems but c'mon TPG this is 2021.


28MB maximum mail size is pathetic

Not applicable

Hi @potterr,



E-mail infrastructure as a whole not just with TPG, but with other providers as well is not designed to transmit large files. If you wish to send large files, I would suggest you use cloud based file sharing services. Ie drop box or google drive. 

Let us know should you require further assistance.






Why is the maximum email size I can send only approximately 28 megabytes?

Is this still 1990? I could understand if we still used 28KB modems but c'mon TPG this is 2021.


28MB maximum mail size is pathetic