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NBN FTTN constantly dropping out

Level 2


My internet is constantly dropping out, so much so that it is becoming unusuable and incredibly frustrating. Drop outs occur at all different times of the day and night. We have tried several different modems and this does not change the drop outs - they still keep happening no matter what modem we are using. 



Not applicable

Hi @zoe1234,


Welcome to TPG Community!


We have located the account using your community details.


We have checked the status of your connection and we can see that it is stable for more than 22 hours now.


We'd like to monitor this for 24 hours and if the issue persists, we'll investigate further.

Not applicable

Hi @zoe1234,


We monitored you connection for the last 24hrs and it is stable for 1d 21h 16m. Let us know if you still experience dropouts. In case this issue persist on device(s) connected via Wi-Fi.


We did an article that will help you improve your wireless connection available here.


Let us know how it will go. Cheers!