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NBN Slow and dropout

Level 3
Follow up 09. 00
As excepted I had a call from TPG confirming that there was no drop out the last 16 hours. The speed has been stable between 48 to 52 Mbps for past 24 hours. TPG will further minotor.

As long as TPG can maintain a speed above 46 Mbps there will not be a drop out. Its is not a Technical issue but inadequate speed slowing down to the Internet drop out.

When I get a reply from my Ombudsman I will revert with what is the industry NBN speed as you are not able answer my question

Level 3


I have NBN internet drop out and speed dropped to below 20 Mbps since April 20. The standard answer after each report was they are not able to trace the fault and the system passed test and the case is now closed. Since April after so many emails and reports, only in Oct 20 two NBN  and one TPG techs showed up and so far the wall sockets phone wires were terminated. I had to pay for a new modem to be shipped to further trouble shoot and there was no improvement since April.


This morning (20 Nov 20)  NBN sent a Tech and he confirmed that there was a partial fractured fibre optic cable underneath the pavement. He reckons that with the rectifcation of the cable it would solve the problem. I am waiting on the splicing of a new firbe optic segment


In between I bought a good router, Wifi entender and a Wifi Mess system thinking it was an issue within the house. Not to mention a replacement TPG modem. There was not much improvement


Now the problem is traced to a fractured Fibre Optic cable, I think all your customers now would be very interested to know what compensation if any would TPG consider for the poor trouble shooting standard for 7 months of slow speed and interrupted NBN50 service.  



Not applicable

Hi @alan_chan55,


Thanks for the update, we're sad to know that the issue affecting the service is not yet resolved. We will chase this with the Engineering Team handling this case and have them contact you when an update becomes available. 

We apologise for any inconvenience.






I have NBN internet drop out and speed dropped to below 20 Mbps since April 20. The standard answer after each report was they are not able to trace the fault and the system passed test and the case is now closed. Since April after so many emails and reports, only in Oct 20 two NBN  and one TPG techs showed up and so far the wall sockets phone wires were terminated. I had to pay for a new modem to be shipped to further trouble shoot and there was no improvement since April.


This morning (20 Nov 20)  NBN sent a Tech and he confirmed that there was a partial fractured fibre optic cable underneath the pavement. He reckons that with the rectifcation of the cable it would solve the problem. I am waiting on the splicing of a new firbe optic segment


In between I bought a good router, Wifi entender and a Wifi Mess system thinking it was an issue within the house. Not to mention a replacement TPG modem. There was not much improvement


Now the problem is traced to a fractured Fibre Optic cable, I think all your customers now would be very interested to know what compensation if any would TPG consider for the poor trouble shooting standard for 7 months of slow speed and interrupted NBN50 service.  



Level 3

Hi Shane

I have spent alot of time since April with the TPG NBN internet issues and I do not appreciate your long standing kind SMS below from 61 416 906 330 at 17.05 20 Nov 20


TPG: 10954845: We have tried to get in contact with you for an update. Please reply with your preferred callback time to discuss the case. 


Never called but just sending the above SMS. 


Always in the past TPG never bother to  call as there is never a missed call on my mobile each time you send me the same above message from the same number. Why dont you check you call register if there was really a call or just and SMS.  Dont you think your customer deserve better service. Perhaps you can let your customer understand the rationale of your current practice. 


If you want to up date me on the repair of the fibre optic call splicing. call me at my land line. Otherwise I take it that the issue is still pending rectification



Not applicable

Hi @alan_chan55,


We chased this with our Engineering Team and arranged one of our Engineers to contact you tomorrow for the update.

Make sure to keep the phone available and let us know how it will go. 






Hi Shane

I have spent alot of time since April with the TPG NBN internet issues and I do not appreciate your long standing kind SMS below from 61 416 906 330 at 17.05 20 Nov 20


TPG: 10954845: We have tried to get in contact with you for an update. Please reply with your preferred callback time to discuss the case. 


Never called but just sending the above SMS. 


Always in the past TPG never bother to  call as there is never a missed call on my mobile each time you send me the same above message from the same number. Why dont you check you call register if there was really a call or just and SMS.  Dont you think your customer deserve better service. Perhaps you can let your customer understand the rationale of your current practice. 


If you want to up date me on the repair of the fibre optic call splicing. call me at my land line. Otherwise I take it that the issue is still pending rectification



Level 3


I have yet to get answers to my questions which were in emails to you on this issues of drop out and slow internet since April 2020 and waiting for futher development of rectification of the partially fracture kerbside fibre optic cable


  • What is your industry speed of TPG NBN50
  • What is TPG’s answer to the poor service and trouble shooting since April 2020

Its looks like the NBN speed is a well guarded TPG secret


I can not understand your TPG culture of send bogus missed called SMS as part of your fault service.  When a customer has an issue, TPG compounds the issue further with this the kind of poor service. One has to call 13 14 23 and hold the phone for between 30 to 45 mins to get connected to your service centre. Spend a further 3-5 mins reporting the fault.   Don’t  you think it is better service if your staff pick up the case file call the customer as part of your service instead of sending SMS. Half the time when a time is requested TPG do not return calls at the requested time


Secondly, your TPG missed call is a none event as all the modern hand phone has caller ID and in my case I also have a Call Catcher service which sends me an SMS to notify the phone number and time of missed call. This is a total reflection what TPG would accord to the customer. I certain do not appreciate what is not factual.

I do not have any missed call from TPG on the mobile phone as all my missed calls are SMS to my mobile like  below


Hi! You missed a call at 04:42 PM on 10/11/2020. Please phone +614xxxxxxx  to return the call. For Call Catcher info or opt out, freecall 121600.


The fault was reported Since March and nothing positive was done except the usual call that a test was done and the service was normal which is at the time of the test. No further action and the case was considered closed. Only in Oct 20 when 2 NBN and 1 TPG tech turned up to carry out  on site checks and only terminated connections to the two wall socket phone connection. The problem was still apparent.  NBN sent a Tech 20 Nov and established a partial fractured kerb side fibre optic cable.

It took 6 months to even get someone to do a site check and a further 2 months to find a partially fractured fibre optic segment speaks of the standard of service. I am sure your engineers will acknowledge a real time check can not produce the history of the defect especially an interrupted connection.


Your customer can understand a technical problem may be beyond your control but not taking action for 6 months and finding the defect after 8 months is any ones book, as absolutely very poor trouble shoot. Plus your poor service  of satisfying yourself a test done on real time and the service is normal closing the case. To top this up you subect your customer to “missed call  which did not occur and length call back  Is this your TPG culture and standard of service we paid for.


I have purchased a Wifi extender,  expensive router, Wifi Mech and paid for a replacement  TPG modem to sort out this issue which turned out to be a broken kerb side fibre optic cable. Your staff even suggested I should replace the cable run in the house. All this are cost to me which should not have happened in the first place.


What do I expect from TPG for all the above due to your poor service and standard of trouble shooting besides waiting for an update on the rectification of the cable fault.


Alan Chan

Level 3
Hi Shane
Since 20 Nov 20 after the NBN Tech visit I had three calls from your Engineers,  Tony, Abe and Clare. So far there is still nothing very clear of the status of rectification besides the partially fractured fibre optic cable. 
24 Nov 20 reading 
25 Nov Reading
The situation has improved with lesser interruption of the internet, however 25 Nov morning 08.34 there were short interruptions. The phone called from Clare was cut off and she had to recall me.
Please understand I am in a 9 months TPG bottled up pressure and will not tolerate any more except factual answers
Not applicable

Hi @alan_chan55,


Thanks for the additional details, we're sad to know that the issue still persists and the investigation is still ongoing. We will chase this with our Engineering Team and raise this for additional reference on the escalated fault. 




           Hi ShaneSince 20 Nov 20 after the NBN Tech visit I had three calls from your Engineers,  Tony, Abe and Clare. So far there is still nothing very clear of the status of rectification besides the partially fractured fibre optic cable.  24 Nov 20 reading   25 Nov Reading   The situation has improved with lesser interruption of the internet, however 25 Nov morning 08.34 there were short interruptions. The phone called from Clare was cut off and she had to recall me. Please understand I am in a 9 months TPG bottled up pressure and will not tolerate any more except factual answers Thanks Alan 
Level 3
Hi Shane
Thanks for the NBN Tech visit arrangement at 09.00 today. Just and update he did a house cable check and the outside pit. Only action taken was the NBN wall Unit was replace.

For whatever its worth I hope this will fix the interrupted and slow WiFi. I will monitor the speed and revert if the defects are rectified
