NBN Speed

Level 2
Level 2

What are the upload speed of the following NBN plan on HFC; NBN12,NBN25,NBN50 and NBN100?

Thank you.

Not applicable

Hi @rtm,


We no longer provide an indication of upload speeds as part of the product specification, however, I can advise you that the following plans below are configured on the following wholesale upload speed of:


NBN12 : 1Mbps upload speed
NBN25: 5Mbps upload speed
NBN50: 20Mbps upload speed
NBN100: 20Mbps upload speed


You may order the service online via this link: http://www.tpg.com.au/nbn or by calling a member of our NBN Sales team at 1300 720 016 between 9:00AM to 10:00PM weekdays and between 9:00AM to 6:00PM every weekends and public holidays.


Let us know if we can be of further assistance. Cheers!