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NBN internet IP address changes often

Level 2

Have been newly connected to NBN for about 1-2 months, and started to notice my IP address changes a few times per day. I do notice random drop outs thinking that its my wifi playing up, but now i'm not so sure. Is this instability due to NBN?


I'm using the TPG provided modem router.

Not applicable

Hi @munlee ,


Changing of IP address is normal with residential TPG NBN service since it comes with Dynamic IP address. If you experience dropouts on devices connected via Wi-Fi this could be caused by Wireless Interference, we did an article that you may find helpful please see links below.


In the event that the issue still persist, send me your account details (Customer ID/Username together with the address on file) so we can proceed with further test and investigation.


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@munlee wrote:

Have been newly connected to NBN for about 1-2 months, and started to notice my IP address changes a few times per day. I do notice random drop outs thinking that its my wifi playing up, but now i'm not so sure. Is this instability due to NBN?


I'm using the TPG provided modem router.


Level 2

I have sent a PM. I've been getting dropouts in the past 10mins. It does say 'disconnected' on the modem console page before it reconnects with a new ip address. I'm connected to the modem console page via wifi device, so it cant be a wifi issue.

Not applicable

Hi @munlee,


Thanks for sending me your details. I was able to locate the account and ran an initial test, the result shows no line fault but we notice that there has been a dropouts from the modem/router's connection to our network. Please send me your best contact number and preferred time tomorrow, we'll have one of our Technicians contact you for real-time test and investigation.





I have sent a PM. I've been getting dropouts in the past 10mins. It does say 'disconnected' on the modem console page before it reconnects with a new ip address. I'm connected to the modem console page via wifi device, so it cant be a wifi issue.