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Question on new privacy policy

Level 2
Level 2

I am an Internode customer and received a notice about the new privacy policy last week. I sent an email asking the below questions to the address listed in the new policy -, but have not received a response after several days, so I'm posting my query here to seek a response:


I've been reading the new privacy policy, and I had a question regarding a source of
personal information and the associated marketing that will go along with


In the new privacy statement it says that one of the times in which
personal information will be collected is when you 'Visit external websites
and perform online searches using your device.' Does this mean that
Internode/TPG will now be capturing customers' web browsing histories? If
so, is this data going to be used for marketing, and/or sold to third

Level 2

I second that question. The wording is too vague to explain exactly what data will be captured and for what purposes.


Hi @izazael


Welcome to TPG Community! 


You may check on our new Privacy Policy here, 




Level 2
Level 2

Sorry, but this does not answer my original question. I have read the privacy policy and was seeking clarification of what data was being collected exactly, which has not been provided. I have also unsuccessfully tried to seek clarification from the TPG privacy team. I'm unsure as to why it is so difficult for the question of whether TPG and its brands are going to be collecting web browsing history going forwards to be answered, but I would appreciate a clear and unambiguous answer to be provided here.