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Refund on cancellation account

Level 2


I want to check on my refund status. I contacted a lot of times for this issue and already sent private message to moderator, but no one reply me! 


My issue again: 

I successfully canceled my account after calling four times. However, I still got charged with billing invoice: xxxxxx. 

I called again, and TPG confirmed that they would not charge my account and provided another invoice: xxxxxx with a minus amount.

However, I am still being charged.


TPG .png


So, may I check:

When and how will I get a refund?

What does it mean when my Amount Payable shows a minus amount: $-59.99? Does it mean I will receive a refund?

Additionally, I checked with ACCC on that case because I'm too tired to call back and forth several times just to cancel my account. It's complicated and frustrating!


ACCC report.png

Please help me check!

Thank you.