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Relocating address and name change.

Level 2
My name is Gregory Smith and I am the authorised person to act upon my mother's behalf. Her name is Valerie Ann Smith, and her landline number is: (02) 4906 9204. I've been trying to talk to you guys for several days now, but to no avail. Please call me on: 0404936084 as soon as possible. My mother is going into a nursing home and no longer requires the service. However, you guys have suggested that I take over her account, provide you with my name and address. I need to discuss several issues with you: Is there a relocation charge (from 2291 to 2289)? I believe I do not have to start a new contract, as I'd just be taking over the service? What internet speed does my mother have (12.1)? How much extra for an internet speed of 25.2? How long will it take to change the service over? My location has NBN to the node! You do need to call me please ASAP. I look forward to your reply. By the way, it's impossible to actually talk to you guys. It is so frustrating, and, you must be losing so much business as your "working from home" isn't working. Thank you. Greg Smith.

Hi @valeriesmith 

Thanks for your query!

Let me have a look for you, and I will get back to you ASAP.

There is also a new ''TPG Mobile APP'' to help you with various trouble shooting and account issues, via a mobile phone app.



Hi @valeriesmith 


Due to the complex nature of transfer, i will escalate this to an accounts officer and someone will call you back ASAP.


Yes there will be a relocation charge.

Yes you can take over the account.

Yes your mother is on 12/1 plan.

Next plan up is 50/20 and is around an extra $10pm.

Relocation can take 2-30 days.

Yes were doing the best we can working from home Smiley Happy


