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Return modem con note not sent.

Level 2

A call from a tech on Sunday assured me a con note would be sent for the return of my faulty TP-Link modem.

It's now Wed and I have received nothing (checked spams too)

How long do the con notes usually take to come?

I do NOT want to be charged for another modem as was suggested in a note with the new modem.


Not applicable

Hi @tguypicknowl,


I'd love to help and check what happened on your e-connote request.


Can you PM me your account details (username/customer ID or contact number associated with the account).


I'll have it checked.



Level 4

I too am waiting for a con note to return a faulty router, I don't know if you goy my PM ShaneA


After a failed send the first time I just received this message


You have reached the limit for number of private messages that you can send for now. Please try again later.

Not applicable

Hi @Fiery,


Thanks for the details. I will pass this on to the relevant team and request for urgent feedback within the day.




Not applicable

Hi @Fiery,


I can see that you have been in touch with one of our Technicians and provided you details about the E-connote.


Please let me know should you require further assistance.

