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TPG email password not working since 2 days ago

Level 2



I have not been able to receive any email to my account for the past 2 days. I tried changing my password (via the forgot password link) and it still doesn't recognise my new password.


I can login to my TPG account using my customer number and new password. I can also login to my account via my username and new password. It's just not working for my email alias account.


The last email I received was yesterday at 6:00am - awefully suspicious time for it to stop working. :-(


I rely on this email address daily and need my access restored please. From reading other posts, it appears this is not an isolated issue and is happening to many people. Did something change with TPG email authentication?



Welcome to community @boxxer11 


Let's help get to the bottom of this, send us a PM with the affected E-mail address to better understand the situation. 


How do I private message (PM) in the community 


