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Trace RT changed for Hong Kong Server access?

Level 2

Hi tpg team.


My question/complaint relates to tracert routing for access to a hong kong server I play a video game for.


In the past I was routed from sydney to singapore and then to Hong Kong (if I recall correct) but now my tracert is going syd-mel-adl-per-sg-hk.


Attached is the cmd tracert.


Guys why has this changed without ANY notification to your consumers? Furthermore, my ping has jumped from 135 up to 240 with occasional packet loss as well...

Not applicable

Hi @coombesaj ,


Welcome to the community!


We're sad to know that you're having latency issue with the service. We're able to locate your account using your community details and ran an initail test. So far, no line faults were detected and the service has been connected for 1week 1d 20h 26m.


We will raise this to our Engineering Team for further assessment and investigation. Expect an update within 24-48hrs via SMS or Phone call. Let us know should you require further assistance.

