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Frequent ADSL Network disconection

Not applicable

Hi @dlstjd77


We chased this up with our Engineering Team and we confirmed that the change of copper pair to improve the quality of your service connection is still on going. Updates will be provided via email or SMS.

TPG do not lock or throttle the speed of the service, we ran an initial test to your service it shows getting a passing speed on the line. We'd like to confirm what speed you're getting with the service and what device(s) is affected.




Level 2



Thank you for response.


everytime, i check from modem router.


i was having 6000kbps only for few days, 


now speed is better. not sure what was affecting.


Best Regards

Not applicable

Hi @dlstjd77,


We are glad to know that the connection speed improved. Actual throughput speeds may be slower and could vary due to many factors including type/source of content being downloaded, hardware and software configuration, the number of users simultaneously using the network and performance of interconnecting infrastructure not operated by TPG.

Devices connected by Wi-Fi may experience slower speeds than those connected by Ethernet cable.

We did an article that you may fine helpful, this will guide you on how to improve your wireless connection speed.


Let us know how it will go.

Level 2



As I said, I checked the speed from modem router, which means issue was from external.


Speed is restored after restarting the connection from your side.


My job is Company Network Administrator. I know enough about the networking.


Internaly it will never have any issue, you will be able to check from technician's report.




Not applicable

We are glad to know that the speed has improved and we'd like to also make sure that your connection will remain stable, @dlstjd77.


As advised, our Engineering Team is working on connecting your service to a different set of copper line and an additional update will be provided as soon as it becomes available.


Should you need any assistance, please let us know. Thank you.

Level 2



From yesterday 10am, internet is slow again.


can you reset the connection again?


Just relise that line attenuation was too high for my place to local exchange distance.


not too sure it is because of the cabling. 



Not applicable

Hi @dlstjd77, are you able to test if there's an improvement with the speed?

Level 2



Yes, it is back to normal, Line attenuation shows normal.


Not too sure what is causing this.



Not applicable

It has something to do with the line, @dlstjd77. Please continue monitoring this while our Engineering Team is working on a resolution. Thank you.

Level 2



Sorry to bother, it's having problem again, restart the connection please.


Just got message for installation on next Friday, hopefuly it solves it.

