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NBN home phone not working but internet working after power outage

Level 2
Level 2
On Sunday Oct 21 there was a power outage in the Chapel Hill area in Brisbane associated with a storm. Fpr a time afterwards the internet modem did not work and then came on spontaneously. However, the home phone remains non-functional. 
I have disconnected and reconnected cables, tried turning onn& off modem and digital phones to no avail. The message on the phone reads "Check Tel Line" .
Not applicable

Hi @sgk,


Welcome to the community!

I was able to locate your account using your community details and ran initial tests on your service. At the moment it internet works fine connected for 4d 4h 24m same with the home phone service.

I refreshed your connection to our network, tell me if there are any changes to your home phone. If it's still not working, try to use a different handset. Let me know how it will go.

