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Bridging Asus RT-86u Router to TPG supplied Netcomm NF12 (NBN)

Level 2



I just bought an Asus RT-86u router to provide my home with a better router than the TPG supplied Netcomm NF12 modem/router, however need help setting up the NF12 modem into bridge mode (modem only) with the Asus RT-86u as the router. Connected to the Asus RT-86u will be [Wired] - NAS, PS4, PC, and [Wirelss] - Laptop, iPhones etc.


I have little experiene with modems and routers so a detailed step-by-step guide would be greatly appreciated.


Thankyou in advance

Not applicable

Hi @numerike1, the Netcomm NF12 equipment we provide for NBN Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) service is a router only.


If your ASUS RT-86U is an NBN FTTP compatible router, you can just connect it directly to the provisioned UNI-D port on the NBN Box and configure its settings with your TPG Username and Password.

Level 2

Hi Reizi,


Im trying to connect NF12 to a mini pc wan port which has sophos xg firewall, but no wan ip appears on it


Please provide any assistance if possible


