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Hi @Pvitiello89 Welcome to the community, until someone from TPG can verify your situation I can tell you that the log on your VR1600v is totally normal, it will authenticate with the VOIP server every 5 or so minutes, the data used is only kb's and would be insignificant in the scheme of the data limit. It would be polling for a server that can handle the current traffic so it would always be ready for use.
It's more likely to be something else like an android device doing updates, even a single speed test would likely use more data than a month of VOIP handshaking.
Have you or other users been streaming video etc?
Hi @Pvitiello89 This may help, try logging onto the VR1600v, go to: advanced>system tools>traffic monitor. It will show the traffic throughput on the entire network.
Traffic Monitor