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Tpg modem fried in electrical storm

Level 2

Our nbn ntd box and modem were fried in a recent electrical storm.


We logged a report with tpg.  The nbn technician came to our property today and installed a new nbn ntd box, however the told us our modem was also fried.


They have advised we contact tpg to organise a replacement modem.


Is this possible?

Level 2

You might want to check if your surge protector is still working or if you need a new one.

Level 2

Of course! Just make sure you let TPG know the full details so they can send you the right replacement. I've been in a similar situation, and I also found that the storm damaged the wiring in my house. I had to get a professional, this ottawa electrician, to replace the faulty wiring. It might be a good idea to have your wiring checked, too, just to be safe.