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Migration from ADSL2 Service to NBN FTTC

Level 2

Why does TPG sent multiple SMS saying I must connect the NBN Connection Box  to the existing phone socket, when the existing service is ADSL2. 


I am aware that the exisiting 2 pair cable needs to be disconnected from the old cable pair leading to the exchange and re-terminated to utilse both pairs in the telecommunications pit outside the premises to the Fttc DPU.


The NBN's webbiste on Fttc states

"An nbn™ FTTC connection is used in circumstances where fibre is extended close to your premises, connecting to a small Distribution Point Unit (DPU), generally located inside a pit on the street. From here, the existing copper network is connected to the fibre to form the final nbn™ connection. To power your FTTC service with electricity and provide your connection to the nbn™ broadband access network, an FTTC nbn™ connection box will be required inside your home or business. In some cases, you may be eligible to perform self-installation of the nbn™ connection box. "


The key words are In some cases, you may be eligible to perform self-installation of the nbn™ connection box. "

May be - then why is TPG tech support treating me as a complete idiot when I know that a technician is required to verify the cabling of the socket and disconnect the existing cable pair servcing the premises and terminate to the Ftttc DPU. Even when I requested that the matter be escaluated the 2nd Level NBN Engineer treated me like an idiot - we do these all the time. Some engineer - I bet  he doesnt even know hot to tie his own shoes. 


I have observed NBN Fttc installations in my street, and as such am fully aware of the requirement for a technician to complete the installation process. I have observed them do some testing and final configuration especially having the PSTN voice service ported


Why is it so hard to find someone to discuss this issue and obtain the correct information.



Not applicable

Hi @bondidumpster,


Welcome to the community!


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The SMS you received is probably the automated message instruction we sent to our Customers during the installation of the service. 


I agree that the existing 2 pair cable requires to be re-terminated to the NBN Co's pit outside the premises for the FTTC-DPU to be active.


Please understand that the type of installation depends on the service class designated by NBN. It is possible that the service class of the service is classified as ready for self-install.


NBN Technician appointment required.

  • Service Class 30 – NBN plans to install FTTC to the address but it is not yet available.

  • Service Class 31 – NBN FTTC is available, copper lead in* required, Distribution Point Unit (DPU)* installation required, Network Connection Device (NCD)* installation required.

  • Service Class 32 - NBN FTTC is available, DPU installation required, NCD installation required.

Self Installation possible.

  • Service Class 33 - NBN FTTC is available, NCD installation required.

    • TPG will send the NCD box together with the modem/router. The end user will connect these device inside the house. Service will be activated remotely.

    • Technician maybe sent out to investigate if records show that NCD was previously installed in the house.

  • Service Class 34 - NBN FTTC is available, NCD is installed.

    • TPG will send the modem/router. The end user will connect this device inside the house. Service will be activated remotely.


I would love to help see the status of the service installation, to better understand the situation shoot me a private message with your account details (Username/Customer ID) together with the address on file.

How do I private message (PM) in the community






Why does TPG sent multiple SMS saying I must connect the NBN Connection Box  to the existing phone socket, when the existing service is ADSL2. 


I am aware that the exisiting 2 pair cable needs to be disconnected from the old cable pair leading to the exchange and re-terminated to utilse both pairs in the telecommunications pit outside the premises to the Fttc DPU.


The NBN's webbiste on Fttc states

"An nbn™ FTTC connection is used in circumstances where fibre is extended close to your premises, connecting to a small Distribution Point Unit (DPU), generally located inside a pit on the street. From here, the existing copper network is connected to the fibre to form the final nbn™ connection. To power your FTTC service with electricity and provide your connection to the nbn™ broadband access network, an FTTC nbn™ connection box will be required inside your home or business. In some cases, you may be eligible to perform self-installation of the nbn™ connection box. "


The key words are In some cases, you may be eligible to perform self-installation of the nbn™ connection box. "

May be - then why is TPG tech support treating me as a complete idiot when I know that a technician is required to verify the cabling of the socket and disconnect the existing cable pair servcing the premises and terminate to the Ftttc DPU. Even when I requested that the matter be escaluated the 2nd Level NBN Engineer treated me like an idiot - we do these all the time. Some engineer - I bet  he doesnt even know hot to tie his own shoes. 


I have observed NBN Fttc installations in my street, and as such am fully aware of the requirement for a technician to complete the installation process. I have observed them do some testing and final configuration especially having the PSTN voice service ported


Why is it so hard to find someone to discuss this issue and obtain the correct information.