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NBN HFC Utility box not installed.

Level 3
Thankyou Shane, but still no word from nor have they been out to install the outside utility box, I know it’s not TPGs issue and I will be continuing with my service, I just don’t understand why haven’t done anything about it.
Not applicable

Hi @johnmcgirr1296


At the moment our NBN Provisioning Team is still waiting for an update from NBN Co. I don’t have any further updates differing from what has already been communicated to you. You may contact our Team Directly 1300 023 575 to get information of the status of your NBN account. 



Level 3
Hello, I’m currently still waiting on information regarding the installation of the outside utility box from NBN.Co, I have messaged them via their website last week and still no answer. I had signed up on the 25/06/2019 with TPG to receive NBN HCF and paid $119 (I’ve been reassured that my account won’t be charged until my service is activated, so that’s not the issue here). I had my first technician appointment on the 28/06/2019 but job couldn’t be completed because of no outside utility box which was never installed (not broken or stolen), then I was told that on the 12/07/2019 NBN would be out to install the outside utility’s now the 24/07/2019, no word from NBN as they still haven’t installed it nor even updated, rang or messaged me about it I had spoken to an TPG case manager they said they would let me know as soon as NBN.Co got back to them and I’m assuming that NBN.Co haven’t. I have nothing against you guys (TPG) just want to make that clear, I was just wondering if there was a way I could have NBN.Co either contact me or come do the installation that should have been done when they installed the other 20 units in my complex with NBN outside utility boxes, including both units either side of mine but for some reason they missed my unit. Thanks



Apologies for the inconvenience this installation issue is causing you, @johnmcgirr1296.


We have made a follow up with our Provisioning Team and the case manager will contact you between 11AM and 2PM NSW time today to discuss the status of the case.


Let us know should you have a preferred contact number and time. Thank you.


Hi @johnmcgirr1296, our Provisioning Team tried to contact you, but to no avail. Please provide us your best contact number and most convenient time to receive a call so we can organise a callback. Thank you.

Level 3
Sorry, my phone was left at home while I was at work, the number is correct and I have noticed the missed call.

Can you PM us your best contact number and most convenient time to receive a call?

Level 3
Yes my best contact is already with TPG, I’ve just missed the calls due to work and unable to call back.

Thanks for confirming, @johnmcgirr1296


It appears that NBNCo is unable to proceed with the remediation works. Based on their latest update, the pit where the remediation work needs to be done is located on your neighbor's boundary who is refusing NBN technicians to complete the work. It's unclear at the moment on what particular property the pit is located on. Your Case Manager has raised a ticket to clarify this with NBNCo at the moment. Once we have further information, you will be contacted by your Case Manager.

Level 3
Well that’s unfortunate, explains why there is no outside utility box installed at my premises but it’s across the road, behind me and both premises on either side of mine have utility boxes. So I’m guessing when the copper wiring is disconnected in March 2020 I won’t even have access to ADSL or even a landline phone. I also don’t understand how or why a neighbour who has the pit located on their premises who has the NBN would deny another neighbour from receiving it, makes no sense to me why when I first signed up to receive the NBN it would even say it was available at my premises when clearly it’s not, I’ve also paid already up front $119.00 back in June 25th only to wait over a month to be told that a neighbour won’t allow my connection.....not your guys fault as you have been quite helpful and informative on my application.....just wondering if there’s anyway I can have this sorted as I spend a lot on mobile phone data and it’s quite expensive.