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NBN drop outs increasing in frequency

Level 2

I have had NBN for quite a while, and I have had some instances where the network stops working - wireless and ethernet. A modem restart rectifies this. It has been increasing in frequency, and is now happening multiple times a day. It is frustrating when I am updating a game file and it has failed overnight. Modem is the supplied Huawei hg659
Not applicable

Hi @bjrowney,


Welcome to TPG Community!


We have located the account using your community details and we can see that the issue has been escalated to our Engineering Team. The Team lodged the case to NBN Co. who has booked a technician for today to further investigate.


The team is closely monitoring this and the case engineer will be in touch as soon as a new update becomes available.


Should you have further queries, feel free to drop us a message.Thank you.