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NBN plan availability - SOS

Level 2


Hope someone here can really help -

I have been waiting for ages for the NBN to be available to my address.

It turned out to be that all my neighbours on the same street are ok to proceed except for mine.

Could anyone please let me know who I can contact to solve my problem?

Do we have a number to call or email to address to?

I felt a bit left out at the moment ....... Smiley Sad

Thanks in advance,


Not applicable

Hi @Sandy,


Welcome to the community!

I was able to locate your account using your community details and it shows that NBN is not yet available in your location. You can create a pre order application. This will allow you to be prioritized once NBN becomes available.


You can visit this link.

Enter your complete address and sign up for NBN Pre-order.

Tell me should you require further assistance.

