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Reg:internet socket port

Level 2
How do I know if paid for or if some one will come to my new place and put in a internet port so can have internet there is no port to where you put in a phone or internet cable in to the wall will they do that for me at all and how do u know if they will


Welcome to the community!


 You will be sent an email notification confirming the installation date and timeframe. We will also notify you if a technician appointment is required to install your NBN service. 


A technician might be required to attend to your premises to complete the installation and make sure you are connected to the NBN network. After you have submitted your order, TPG will confirm if an installation appointment is needed. If so, TPG will organise this and contact you with the appointment details.

If an installation appointment is required, you or an authorised person over 18 years of age will be required to be at the premises on the day of the technician visit. On the installation day, an NBN installer will come to your home to do the necessary work.

If your premises have an active NBN service connected previously then it is unlikely that you would require technician's visit.

You may track the installation here,


Let me know should you require further assistance.



How do I know if paid for or if some one will come to my new place and put in a internet port so can have internet there is no port to where you put in a phone or internet cable in to the wall will they do that for me at all and how do u know if they will