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Ropable at false and misleading information - FTTC to FTTP

Level 2

First advising, originally not an existing TPG customer.

Today I called TPG, asked about FTTC to FTTP, was advised I could get this at my property, need to sign up to FTTC first, takes 24 to 48 hours, then the request to upgrade service to FTTP, would then take around 10 business days. I was asked about plan I said I just need to lowest cost plan so I can upgrade the property to FTTP. I asked if I needed to move to a higher speeds, advised no - could stay on the same speed. I asked if there were any cancellation fees after upgrading to FTTP, advised no, becuase I didn't opt for a modem. I advised I would call back, girl asked me what was my concern to sign up now, noted giving me "second month free" if signing up now. I reiterated my questions, advised same answers, was even confirmed don't need to upgrade speed, FTTP is just ready to handle the higher speeds. I signed up.


Reading through posts here, appears TPG are not on some FTTC to FTTP upgrade programe. I called tonight, told no, they cannot upgrade me but taking registrations of interest.


Was I provided completely false and misleading information earlier today?

If so, are the girls on sales phone on commission and giving out false and misleading information to sign people up?

Level 2

Follow up call to TPG this morning, I was advised I can (and would need to) make the request to nbnco myself, provided me the email address. I was again advised don't need to change plan and no exit fee so perhaps information I received first time was correct - I don't know.


ABB offered me no charge upgrade, needed to go on a higher speed plan.


Let's see what nbnco says, and the applicable fees to upgrade.


Hi JDee! 


Thanks for dropping by. The NBN Fibre Connect Program is part of the larger Change of Access Technology (COAT) process, is an initiative from NBN to move users from copper based technologies (FTTN and FTTC) to FTTP.


Initially, this technology will only be available in selected areas, however it will expand further over the coming months.

Customers who want to upgrade or change their plan can call TPG Sales and Customer Service departments, where employees will be able to complete a "register your interest" form on their behalf. 20220329 COAT RYI - opt-in database (


Once done with the registration, TPG will contact them as soon as the business can perform their upgrade or plan change.


In order for us to check if your address is eligible for FTTP upgrade, can you please provide the complete address?

Or you may check here:

Here's the link Upgrading to nbn® FTTP with a higher speed plan to check if your suburb is eligible for the FTTP upgrade: (



Let us know if we can be of any further assistance.



Level 2

Thanks @Rica_R.


The girl that took my call certainly knew my address because she signed me up to FTTC, knew I needed FTTP, advised I just need to sign up to FTTC first. I explained it's my rental property, doing renovations, disconnected the copper line and plastered up, hence needed to have FTTP connected.


I know my place is elibible because Aussie Broadband advised I'm eligible to upgrade the property, ready to orgnise the FTTP install if I wanted. Thought I'd try TPG to see if I could save some money on the plan.


Today, when trying to withdraw my application with TPG, I was told by the TPG rep I needed to email to move me to FTTP.  They simply referred me to the nbnco website. Sure enough, the list of "participating providers" does not include TPG.


Multiple calls trying to cance my application, I'm going around in circles - what an ordeal!


I wish someone from TPG would listen to the recording of my sign up and tell me how I was not misled into signing up with TPG, and then cancel my application with refund!

Not applicable

Hi @JDee,


We appreciate the additional details. Could you shoot us a PM with your details to better understand the situation and proceed with the investigation.


How to send a PM? 




Thanks @Jhoey.


The girl that took my call certainly knew my address because she signed me up to FTTC, knew I needed FTTP, advised I just need to sign up to FTTC first. I explained it's my rental property, doing renovations, disconnected the copper line and plastered up, hence needed to have FTTP connected.


I know my place is elibible because Aussie Broadband advised I'm eligible to upgrade the property, ready to orgnise the FTTP install if I wanted. Thought I'd try TPG to see if I could save some money on the plan.


Today, when trying to withdraw my application with TPG, I was told by the TPG rep I needed to email to move me to FTTP.  They simply referred me to the nbnco website. Sure enough, the list of "participating providers" does not include TPG.


Multiple calls trying to cance my application, I'm going around in circles - what an ordeal!


I wish someone from TPG would listen to the recording of my sign up and tell me how I was not misled into signing up with TPG, and then cancel my application with refund!