Slow internet on NBN FTTN.

Level 2

My internet speed has droped dramatically.  2 to 3 mbps down 4 to 5 mbps up. I am on the 50 mbps plan though normally only get around 30mbps.  all lights on the modem are out. not 1 light of any colour. The internet is working but very slow.  The modem is the archer VR1600v.  If I turn the modem off wait 30 secs and turn back on. The light start working does hand shaking routine ok. Then within a mnute or so they turn off but I still have a slow internet connection.  I have no handset to check phone line quality. Speed issue is the on phone , laptop and desktop.  with only 1 device connected at a time.

Not applicable

Hi @rjevans1956,


Welcome to TPG Community!


We thank you for raising this matter and for taking the time to troubleshoot.


We have located the account using your community details and we were able to check the status of the connection.


We are suspecting a possible fault on the line causing the low speed, but we'd like to make sure to identify what is causing the issue and we'll arrange a specialist to contact you for assistance.


Please provide us your best contact number and most convenient time to receive a call via PM.


To send a private message, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community - TPG Community



Not applicable

Hi @rjevans1956, thanks for providing your contact details via PM.


We have arranged a specialist to contact you between 1PM and 2PM NSW Time today.