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29-03-2020 11:59 AM
Dear TPG admin,
I have tried numerous times to turn on and let the nbn connect but still unsuccessful, this morning i received an email from advising that they are currently unable to activate the NBN connection to my premises because the installation has been requested to be cancelled. I would like to find out why this happen as i do not request any cancellation and who or why this happenned? Would appreciated if TPG support can call and discuss or explain on this situation. Tried to call tpg but keep hearing music and advertisement. Is that possible to send the technicial on site to check?
27-03-2020 08:33 PM
Dear TPG admin,
I have received the NCD & modem on Mar 3th, and since then had been waiting for SMS. Last week when email TPG support I was told there was an error of SMS send out, so I tried to setup but so far had no luck.
Both the NCD & modem were on for more than 30 minutes but the "Internet" indicator shows no light, I even left it overnight with no success. The lights that're on are "Power", "2.4G", "5G" and sometimes "WAN". Does the NCD need to have all lights on once it's setup? Checking using my account status it is still showing "your installation is progressing".
Can you please help check from your end? Many thanks!
Phone Socket
On 9 April evening, we received a call from TPG helpdesk and had a troubleshooting session, the NCD did not show a 3rd blue light so helpdesk scheduled a technician visit for us on 20 April (between 1pm to 5pm).
Unfortunately no one turned up on 20 April and neither did we receive call from TPG. We only received an SMS on 20 April morning asking us to connect the NCD & modem. We did that at around noon time but that did not show any difference.
To TPG helpdesk: Please tell us how to proceed, thank you! If a technician cannot show up, please at least give us a call and tell us the next step. Please note we can't disconnect our ADSL for the whole day as we need to work from home.