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Sim Card Not Working!

Level 2



Recently I move into TPG as a new customer. I ported my number from Vodafone and activated my sim card as instructed on 26/02/2019. I aslo received an email confriming my sim card has been activiated at the same day. However, untill now already 6 days passed!! I still can't use my phone either phone call or data, and just showing SOS. and I tried it in the other device, it also not working.


I called to your tech support team, but they can't fix it just let me wait without any ETA when this issue can be fixed. I sent a email to mobile_helpdesk@ and customer_serive@, but havn't got any reply.


I feel really disappionted and annoyed!! I have been unconnected almost a week!


Can you fix this issue and update me the progress. 

Not applicable

Hi @hannah,


Welcome to the community!


We apologise for the inconvenience, we are able to locate your account using your Community Details. Based on the latest log on file, our Mobile Team is now handling this case and have this escalated for further investigation, no updates have yet been available. We will chase this up with them and pass this for additional reference.


Your experience is important to us and we will be keeping a close eye on your case and will provide you with updates when is available.



Not applicable

Hi @hannah,


One of our Mobile Specialists tried to contact you yesterday to provide the update on your Mobile Service unfortunately no avail.


Feel free to let us know your best contact time and we'll have them call you again or you may contact their hotline directly 1300 997 273

