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my outbound services are barred because I've used up my data usage for the month. (but it doesn't make sense as I still have remaining calls included in my plan). My plan ended on 21 August and new plan was supposed to start on 22nd August. However, up to today, my outgoing services are still barred. I tried to contact customer support (via email and phone) but my issue hasn't been resolved. This is getting really frustrating. Please help to resolve my issue asap! Thanks
Hi @5863511,
Welcome to the community!
I would love to help, I was able to pull up your account using your community details. I've seen that this has been escalated to one of our Complaints Resolution Case Manager and they tried to contact you yesterday to provide the case update unfortunately no avail.
Please see the email sent by your assigned Complaints Resolution Case Manager.
Feel free to let me know when we can arrange another call.