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Dropped from hold by TPG support

Level 2


Ive just spent an hour on hold and a message came over that said "this office is now closed" and was hung up on.

I understand wait times can be long but this isn't great.

Particularly when I was told I'd be called back the following day (2 days ago) with a mobile activation

but also when the office is not closed for another 30 mins.

A call back would be appreciated.

Currently on hold yet again on the "273" support number



Level 2

After 30 mins on hold I finally got through and we got to the bottom of my technical issue but because sales was already closed, I have to call back tomorrow.

Tune in tomorrow for hour long wait times... Smiley Sad


I'd much prefer a prompt call-back.....



Level 2

Day #2


Still going...



Level 2

Moving into my own home later this month. 

Might be time to move my 100Gb NBN and 2 mobile numbers elsewhere.

This is pathetic.

Level 2

40 mins. 

answered and given the sales schpeel.

Considering churning to another provider.

Thanks for nothing.

Not applicable

Hi @macsinspace,


Sad to learn that you're unable to reach our Contact Centre, I'd like to take this opportunity to turn around your experience and have our Mobile Specialists Team to contact you for the activation of the Mobile SIM card.


Please send me a Private Message with your account details (Username/Customer ID) together with the address on file also include your best contact number and preferred time.


How do I private message (PM) in the community





40 mins. 

answered and given the sales schpeel.

Considering churning to another provider.

Thanks for nothing.


Ive just spent an hour on hold and a message came over that said "this office is now closed" and was hung up on.

I understand wait times can be long but this isn't great.

Particularly when I was told I'd be called back the following day (2 days ago) with a mobile activation

but also when the office is not closed for another 30 mins.

A call back would be appreciated.

Currently on hold yet again on the "273" support number

