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There is an old lead from main socket to lucca and is causing slow internet. Who replaces this, and how much does it cost?
Hi @mog,
Welcome to the community!
I would love to help and see why it causes slow connection to your service. To better understand the situation kindly PM me your account details (Username/Customer ID or Contact number associated with the account).
In case you need a reference. How to send a Private Message.
Hi @mog,
Thanks for sending me the account details. I can see that this has been raised to our Engineering Team and escalated to Telstra.
Based on the report. Telstra changed new Aerial lead in, but damaged. One pair (old lead) in from Luca to main socket, caused no dial tone and connection at all
The recent visit of Telstra Technician built bridge link from Luca box to Optus socket on the roof.
I ran initial tests on your service and I can see that it is connected for: 8h 13m without any dropouts reported.
It is still under monitoring by our Engineering in case you will experience any dropouts let us me know and I will pass it to them.
Hi @mog,
Thanks for sending another message. To answer you query with about your connection speed. I removed the line profile/buffer that was adjusted to your connection to eliminate the noise that previously causes dropouts on your connection. Now it's back to normal speed.
Let me know how it will go.