Account number

Level 2

Hi Team,


Could you please provide me the account number. My husband and I share the same account number and we would like to transfer our mobile phone services to another provider.

None of the invoices include the account number, only the customer id, which is not sufficient for the transfer.

Could you please confirm the refund of the new fees 2X$19.99 as mobile services will be transferred as of today. The mobile phone services started exactly 6 months ago on 9/10/2020.


I have been waiting for your account team to answer my phone call for an hour.

Thank you for your kind assistance.

Kind regards,


Emoke Molnar

Not applicable

Hi @emolnar5, please send us a private message with your TPG customer ID, Mobile Service Number (MSN) and complete address so we can pull up the account and assist with your concern.


To send a PM, please refer to this link: How do I private message (PM) in the community