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Billing discrepancy

Level 3


If you look at our record you will see we have not had internet for 3 months (since Nov 22). 
You continued to charge us during this period. 
There was a 45 day billing adjustment made to our service during that period covering us from 19/02 - 04/04.
So do mind explaining to me why you just billed my credit card $49.99?????
We finally got reconnected on 27/02 on our second NBN appointment (after NBN did not show up for the first appointment!! and you have refused to offer any sort of reason for this)
So now we are connected again I was informed this is the time to talk about compensation.
1. Return the $49.99 to my credit card account immediately, this is not your money you have stolen it from me.
2. much more than the 45days billing adjustment - we were charged $60/m for 3 months without having any service - so you can up the billing adjustment to 3months (and then some seeing we were paying $60 a month then)
3. Compensation for my time - I refused a full day casual shift at work to be home for the first NBN appointment (Feb 5th) that they did not show up for. 
That is $350 out of my pocket and seeing as you can not even provide a reason why I wasted my day, you can work out what happened with them…
 but I need to be reimbursed for my out of pocket expenses. $350.
Don’t push me on this or I will bring up the extra money I spent over three months on excess phone data!!!!
As it stands currently you need to return the monthly fee you just charged me then and provide my current NBN plan for 9 months just for me to come out even!!
Balls in your court,
I am at the end of my tether (pushed by YOU charging me yesterday)
Simon Telfer.


Not applicable

Hi @simonandnick, we have sent you a private message with the details regarding your billing concern.


Let us know should you have further queries. Thank you.