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Change of Ownership form instructions

Level 2

Hi there,

I could not find any proper instruction from TPG on how to fill the form for change the ownership of an ADSL2+ Internet bundle plan to someone that:

- Lives in the same house

- Is not a TPG customer

- Does not have a home phone number.

- Does not have Credit Card, but have bank account for direct debit

- Does not have a Australian Drivers license. 


So, I am the existing server owner, I have downloaded the form, but the following sections still unclear on what need to be filled from the new service owner: 


Page 1 - Section B - What to put on "Service Number" ? 

Page 1 - Section C - What to put on "Direct Debit my Account" field ? 

Page 2 - Section B - What to put on "ADSL Location Number" ? 

Page 2 - Section C - What to put on "Your user name" ? 


Need this answered here, as customer service was not helpful, and also will help next users.




Hi @username2 ,


Welcome to TPG Community!


Please see the responses to your queries below:


Page 1 - Section B - What to put on "Service Number" ?
You need to indicate your current home phone number with TPG.


Page 1 - Section C - What to put on "Direct Debit my Account" field ?
If you are not nominating a credit card as a payment method, you need to fill out the Direct Debit form and fill out all the details required e.g., account number, BSB, institution name.


Page 2 - Section B - What to put on "ADSL Location Number" ?
You may skip this part since the incoming account holder lives on the same address. This is only required if the service will be relocated.


Page 2 - Section C - What to put on "Your user name" ?
This refers to your TPG account username or you can also write your customer ID number.


The incoming account holder can attach any valid ID like passport or proof of age card.


Best regards,

Level 2

The question has clearly mentioned .what if we dont have a home phone number?

What we do



Hi @Nilashrstha,


Each internet service we provide has a service number assigned. If you're unsure of the phone number linked to your adsl service, please send us a private message with your TPG customer ID or username and we'll check for you. 

