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Change plan portal error - Maximum Attainable Speed data is not currently available

Level 2

Hello team,


Every time I try to change my NBN FTTN plan through TPG My Account / change plan, the message below appears and I cannot select a higher speed tier plan.  

Maximum Attainable Speed data is not currently available for your line. You may downgrade or retain your current speed. Please check again later to see if your line will support a speed upgrade.


This has been going on for a couple months. I know the line supports higher speeds as I've upgraded in the past, plus the TPG modem archer vr1600v status page clearly shows the higher max rate.  

any suggestions how to fix this error on the TPG change plan portal?

Community Manager

Hi @Mike-AU,


We'll check it out. Are you able to send us a private message?

Level 2

Done.   Let me know what you find!