Consolidate Billing

Level 3

My current Plan is NBN FTTN 50 with the OzTalk Addon, but due to a fault on TPGs website at the time I activated the OzTalk addon the billing dates aren't the same.

There is a 9 day difference which it really shouldn't exist as it is an addon and should by all definition should be billed on the same date.

My NBN was recently billed on the 15th April while the OzTalk addon was recently billed on the 24th April.


I want the OzTalk addon billing date brought back in line with the NBN.


I've talked with other TPG personel about doing such and they told me that they cannot move the OzTalk addon due date but could move the NBN due date.

If one can be moved and not the other; especially when one is the addon for the main product, I call BS.


It is such a pain on managing my finances and would like it fixed up ASAP.


Hi @meebo,

Could you please send me a PM (private message) with your Full Name, CID (customer identication number) and your mobile phone number, so I can take a look at your service?


Kind regards,



Replied via PM