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Data usage report (unlimited plan)

Level 2
It is not useful that I can’t see my data usage in My Account when I am on an unlimited plan. It is not useful that the only way to contact TPG support is either phone call or raise a question here that I will then have to send a PM to whoever responds.

There should be a contact form or live chat option for support. There should be a way for me to see my data usage without having to contact support.

Please send me the information on my data usage for the past 6 months.

Thank you

Hi @nmcmahon


Your data usages are not collected and reported online if you are on a plan with unlimited data usage. At the moment, if you wish to retrieve these usages, you will have to call or email or Customer Service support team. 


Send us a private message with your TPG customer ID or username and your requested usages will be sent on the email address we have on file.


