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I want to get rid of Oz Talk Home Bundle Add-on

Level 2

It has been years since I do not have a corded phone so I have not used my phone land lane for that many years. TPG has been charging me $10 a month for something that I don't want and I have not got the equipment to use. I don't even use VoIP as all I do is use my mobile phone instead.

Even today I got a "Home Phone Prepayment Outside" because, apparently! my credit was under $10.

What the ....!!!

Could someone kindly explain to me what happened and how I can remove that addon once and for all?

Thanks for the help. I am sorry if it sounds rude but I do not know what else to do.


We're here to help, @facosta


Shoot us a PM with your TPG username so we can help raise your concern to our accounts team in removing the add on on your account. 


How do I private message (PM) in the community


