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International Roaming

Level 3
Level 3

I can receive messages and calls but cannot send messages or calls using international roaming.  I have now been in a Europe for 17 days without a working mobile. Numerous emails to TPG have delivered “google solutions” to a technical issue.

Not applicable

Hi @pjb


Are you able to send us a private message with your customer ID or Mobile Service Number so we can check what's causing the issue?

Not applicable

Hi @pjb, thank you for providing the account details via PM.

The issue has been escalated to our Mobile Team and they are now working on a resolution. Please expect an update within the day via Email.

Let us know should you have further queries. Thank you.

Level 3
Level 3

Just a quick update. After sending my personal details via A personal message, absolutely nothing was done. Six weeks in Europe and the only service I had was when I gave up on TPG and bought a prepaid SIM. 

Not applicable

We apologise for the inconvenience this issue is causing you, @pjb


As per checking, the Complaints Resolution Case Manager has been in touch via email and discussed the concerns raised.


We have escalated the case to Vodafone again and now waiting for an update. Rest assured that the case manager will be in touch as soon as a new feedback becomes available.


For immediate assistance, you may also coordinate with your case manager via return mail.

Level 2

good, its in the interests of your customers to get this int roaming correct. There is a huge frustration when overseas and no mobile. Your contact centres also need to be muc h more attuned to responding when we make contact via web page or email. Its pointless only relying on phone numbers - when we have no access un der these conditions.


hopefully, when TPG are their own network providers the int roaming will be managed directly


Hi Guys,

Just an update on the International roaming issues that are being described in this post and others.


We raised these examples to Vodafone management who identified an issue on their end that was causing these issues for TPG roaming customers.

The good news is this issue have now been fixed by Vodafone.


Thanks again guys for your patience and for giving us the feedback to resolve this issue.



Level 3
Level 3

Dear TPG


Thank you for the update, however I find your response rather hollow.

Let me explain my perspective. From December 2017 through Janaury 2018 I was in Europe for six weeks, as was my 17 year old daughter albeit in differing locations. I was depending upon international roaming for emergency communications during that time. Notwithstanding over 16 emails seeking support and assistance I had no international roaming from TPG for the entire six weeks. I was ultimately forced to purchase a perpaid SIM card from Orange. 

I would describe TPG's responses to my emails for assistance, when they were provided, as cursory. They included such gems as:

- Turn your handset off and on;

- Check you are dialing the right number;

and my favourate

- Your handset is the problem.

I also find it interesting that there is a correlation in the timing of this matter finally being resolved and the my lodgement of a complaint to the Australian Telecommications Ombudsman. Perhaps its just coincidence.  

I can can only speak for myself but I pay TPG for a service not Vodaphone. Responsibility for providing the service to me lies with TPG. The business model TPG uses to provide the service is the responsibility of TPG. While I'm pleased that you have reported that other TPG customers will not be left without an international roaming service, I would like to know what TPG is going to do to compensate those customers such as myself who have suffered from your lack of service and support.

